January 4, 2008

Only today did I realize that editing all day means you have to sit at a computer all day.
The sooner Minority-Report-style user interfaces get here, the better. Anyway, I think better (or more, anyway) when I'm walking around, and I'm sure there'd be creative benefit to using more than just a select few of my fingers.

The other sitting-related thing I learned today was that the sitting position least stressful on your spine is not the classic stock straight 90°, nor leaning forward, but leaning back at a very slackerly angle of of 135°! It's always nice to have your bad habits exonerated, no? So lean back y'all, lean back.

Among the most illuminating things I've ever read:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think better sitting on the can...i'm afraid it's actually true