January 11, 2008

The Object of Whose Affection?

Today I got my first phone call at work - from Stamps.com? What?!
Not only did they somehow know I work there, they also thought I made decisions about postage. So, which one of you is selling my information?

Yesterday at work, someone was throwing out a catalog for this huge "rock-n-roll auction," like a real-life ebay, y'know? There were the standard items: signed photos and compositions, guitars, pianos, clothes, what-have-yous, and doodads. But lurking among the standard fare was....well, this:
Hmm, what to buy...an expired credit card that was probably mostly used by a personal assistant/whiny relative, or the piano on which Lennon's "Imagine" was composed and recorded? Tough decisions like that make me glad I don't have any disposable income.

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