January 30, 2008

I often find that I have to trick myself into doing the things that (I think) I want to do.
The oldest in the book is putting my alarm clock (/phone) as far away from my bed as possible. In this particular room, this means I can still usually reach it from the bed, but the process usually annoys me into a more wakeful state.

Lately it seems that my theoretical/idealistic side has struck a deal with my practical side, because I now put the phone in a spot that seems far away at night, but is well within reach every morning.

My latest self-deceit, however, has been an unmitigated disaster! At one misguided point in my recent past, I thought to myself, "I need to do this stuff, but I don't feel like it right now. I'll put it on my bed, because surely I won't actually sleep on top of the CDs I should import and the letters I'd like to respond to." (Several obvious flaws with this plan, I know, but the procrastinator's mind is forgiving.)
And anyway, I was at least half right - rather than sleep on top of my tangible To-Do list, I pushed everything to the side and slept on the remaining bedscape.

Now, I'd say about 60% of my bed is covered with stuff I somehow thought I'd feel more like doing when twice as tired...? Truth is, when it comes time to crash, anything that doesn't look like it'll spill and/or attract unwanted guests seems like an acceptable bedfellow.

I'm off to address this issue and reclaim my living space, wish me luck (even though by the time you read this I'll be finished).


Anonymous said...

I imagine that all those things now occupy the floor instead.

Anonymous said...

Recommendation: "Clutter's Last Stand: it's time to de-junk your life" by Don Aslett.

Anonymous said...

The entertainment factor for all of January was excellent. Therefore, the rate has been increased to 1.5 in spite of recent market declines and lowering of federal interest rates. You have one more day to increase your January booty.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that I'll get my card in the mail soon? ;D

joeadultman said...

jen - correct!
yfl - read it!
bonnie - keeping in mind that soon is a very relative term, absolutely yes!