January 1, 2008

Normally I'm not one for the New Year concept.
Aside from the fact that it's fun to count down from 10, and that Auld Lang Syne is a great song to sing in a group since nobody really knows all the words, there's never been anything altogether special about it. I'm sure I'm not alone in the feeling that 11:59pm December 31st is a whole lot like 12:01am January 1st.

That said, I did a lot of cleaning today, some reflection, and I've even made resolutions for the first time ever. Much of my life up to this point has been essentially walking away from shitty things in the past, only to look over my shoulder at them and run smack into some new shitty things.

So here's to looking where you're going, even if you don't know where the hell that is! Happy New Year =)

1 comment:

bakingkitty said...

the Auld Lang Syne song makes me sad. so it's a terrible way to start the new year. good thing this year I slept through it. getting better.