November 17, 2007

It is Finished

Nothing says The End like a nice plate of pasta!

Editing class is over, and....I'm not sure. I think I'll only be satisfied if I get a job within the next few weeks and am specifically told "We hired you over the other candidates - and despite your distinctly unprofessional appearance - primarily because you have a certificate from NYU."

I did author a pretty snazzy DVD of the crap I edited, though I think its menus may have turned out better than any of the samples linked within them. I might circulate a copy or two to prove that I took this course (or at least that I went to a lot of trouble to make it seem like I did).

Now, with Broadway still on strike and no class to wake up early for, it's time to relax and look for an editing job and maybe a Spanish class, and maybe even start writing a book. [Now accepting book deals from only the most reputable publishers.]


Anonymous said...

That's a spicy meatball!

Are you going to circulate a copy of your work to me? I wanna see.

I hope you'll enjoy your time before the broadway strike ends. ;)

Anonymous said...

So where's the DVD. We would gladly share with other relatives if you entrusted it to us!

bakingkitty said...

book on what?