February 6, 2008

Something to Consider

I impulse-bought the Pulitzer-winning* John Adams biography the other day, which is rare for me (buying something, that is, not being impulsive).

*not one of those other crappy bios that those other crappy authors probably spent their whole lives working on - pfeh, who needs em?

I never know where to put my asterisked comments.

Anyway, I've been struck by a few interesting things, but here's Adams himself talking about how cool being a lawyer is:

Now to what higher object, to what greater character, can any mortal aspire than to be possessed of all this knowledge, well digested and ready at command, to assist the feeble and friendless, to discountenance the haughty and the lawless, to procure redress to wrongs, the advancement of right, to assert and maintain liberty and virtue, to discourage and abolish tyranny and vice?

Wow! He kinda makes it sound like being a superhero, I dig it. Too bad lawyers today (not counting those on Law and Order) don't act this way. I imagine future biographers of current lawyers will have less admirable passages to cite:

Now to what higher object, what greater character, can any mortal aspire than to be possessed of all this mahogany furniture, well polished and ready to hold customized pens, to assist the feeble and friendless while charging hundreds an hour, to discounten...to drive supersweet sports cars, to procure red dresses and thongs for the advancement of a night, to assert and maintain [personal] liberty at the cost of [societal] virtue, to discourage and abolish [everyone else's] tyranny and vice?

Also, three cool images [x]


Anonymous said...

thanks for linking to those images. got sidetracked by the link for "curly or straight, which do men prefer?"

Laurie said...

Hi Joe.

2 things ...

Were you Adams in Burr Witch?

And have you heard of Phil Hansen? If not, based on your linked images, I think you might like his artsy stuff.


Anonymous said...

Scary and amazing images in the link. I am going to try to decrease my plastic bottle use for sure!

Jenni Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenni Christine said...

You put your "asterisked comments" at the bottom of your post, like a footnote. :)