February 6, 2008

Before and After, pt. 1

Boston Massacre

Before paying any attention to what it was, despite having heard it explained to me several times in life and even walking the ground where it happened:
Thought a whole bunch of awesome revolutionary colonials were mercilessly gunned down by ruthless (have to be ruthless to do things mercilessly, I feel) Redcoats.

After paying attention:
Five - 5 - dudes were killed. Five out of an angry mob of hundreds that surrounded like 8 soldiers and clubbed one to the ground. So yeah, less of a massacre and more of a "surround, terrify, and club some guys with guns and you gon' get shot, son."
A jury even acquitted all but two of the soldiers, the ones who shot directly into the crowd.

Soldiers in the city is a bad idea - check.
Oh, and someone please please remind me that I want to go watch the re-enactment on March 5th!!
It's only a $30 bus ride, round trip.
Just send me an email or a text on March 3rd.
I'll take a picture?

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