February 7, 2008

Silver Lining, vol. 2

I still love guacamole.

The clouds:
On Saturday, I met a friend at Chipotle.
We had different meals, but both partook in the Chips con guacamole, or as it is called on their menu, "Chips with Guacamole."
Much later that night, we would both become quite vehemently ill - if you object to my word choice, I will be happy to explain to you how I "showed strong feeling; was forceful, passionate, intense" - and remained ill for the following two days.

The silver lining:
My friend had just been saying on Saturday that she had a Chipotle adddiction that was costing her dearly, and while she meant monetarily, I might have added calorically (not that she's plus-sized, but any one of those burritos could feed a busload of starving teenagers).
So she is obviously cured of that affliction, at least for a while!

I'm still considering what my own silver lining might be in this situation, but so far I can only assume that if I had been able to get out of bed on Sunday, some terrible fate would have befallen me. Soooo....cool, still alive!


Anonymous said...

your silver lining could be how you were there when you're friend kicked the chipotle habit. you can be her sponsor or something. good luck to her staying on the wagon.

Anonymous said...

"Still Alive", eh?


Anonymous said...

yeah...nothing like some good ol' stomachache to cure an over-sell-less (isn't that a word?) appetite...happy year of the rat!