February 15, 2008

I am in Their Debt

So, I got a little overzealous in paying off my smaller-balance credit card, to the point that I had to deposit every dollar bill I could find (one, to be precise, along with a ten) to make my minimum payment on the •other• card and have 8 cents left to my name. Of course, this ended up dipping below thanks to shady banking practices, but hey, let them have their $35 fee, again. I'll be free of their clutches before long. Provided I continue to ignore any and all health problems until I (most likely) get health care toward the end of March.

My progress will slow considerably now, since I used almost all of my tax return, birthday/christmas money, and that month's worth of 80-hour-a-week paychecks to get this far.

I don't know why I think that focusing so much on eliminating this debt will free me from slavery to money, but I do.

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