July 5, 2009

Name That Tune!


mom said...

We don't get it. Bart is here from Alabama and he don't get it either.

joeadultman said...

Hey Bart!
This is lyrics from a song turned into a pie chart. I imagine you haven't listened to too much rap lately, so don't feel bad for not recognizing it =)

Imagine Peace said...

aw man, I read those comments before I had the chance to guess. You gave it away with the rap bit.

bakingkitty said...

is it weird that I wondered if it was rap once I saw "wii"?

joeadultman said...

Sorry, I'll include a spoiler warning next time!

And yes, that is weird, even more because it says "will"

Laurie said...

Aww. The rap clue did give it away. =( But this is cool. Now I must go on youtube and listen to it ...

bakingkitty said...

lol lol I think I read that as "wii" at work, so I have an excuse.

bakingkitty said...

just kidding, the time stamp says 1 in the morning. well, I am just weird then.