April 13, 2008

Whatcha doin Tuenight?

When I observe my week according the 7-day standard, I realize I can't remember the last day off I had, nor do I know when my next will be. I accept this as a consequence of having three jobs, since it means I'll have paid off my debt that much sooner, but the idea can still get me down occasionally.

So I've decided (just now, as I type this) to subdivide my week into 14 half-days.
Now I get several days off a week! Sure, I may be working Monday, but not Monnight! And I think I have Wednesnight off too - that's a whole weekend right there!


Anonymous said...

Awesome job on your debt-o-meter!! Clever of you to re-standardize your week to see the half-day rests. I'm sure that brought on great relief!! Enjoy your monnight!

Anonymous said...

talk about seeing the glass half full.

Jenni Christine said...

Almost paid off!!! :) lucky!

bakingkitty said...

cute idea. I'm always fascinated by how we seemingly arbitrarily assign varying values to certain increments of time.