October 1, 2007


This Friday I should be celebrating having finally paid off the smaller of my two credit card balances, which was about 1/5 of my debt (1/15 if you count student loan (1/17 if you count debt to family (1/untold millions if you count debt that you normally wouldn't, like cost of clothes and diapers and food I incurred while growing, especially if adjusted for inflation)))

I haven't yet decided if I'll be celebrating by charging 3500 dollars to that just-cleared card to take a 4-week film editing intensive course at NYU, which would be thrilling in every sense except financially, in which sense it is just plain horrifying (runners up in my thesaurus hunt were "appalling" and "terrifying" - to me, horrifying has that throaty, yet wordless, sense of impending doom that seems to fit just right)

Leave a comment with your thoughts on the matter. [Yes, I do realize four days' notice for a blog that's updated every four weeks, if that, is short notice.]


Anonymous said...

GO FOR IT!(the class)

Anonymous said...

Go for it, especially if you think it has job prospects you would enjoy. Lion King sales must be mind numbing.

Anonymous said...

Gopher it! Life is short. You"ll have the rest of it to pay it off and xmas and your birthday are around the corner.

Anonymous said...

Don't hesitate, take that course! If it's of real interest to you and you might even consider a career in it why worry about it? It'll be money well spent.

Anonymous said...

Don't wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill

Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mom, minus the bad pun :)