June 15, 2007

Naming the new

Online name picking, be it an email address, profile name, or in this case, url, is never easy.

I tried many combinations of letters that meant something to me, but most were taken by someone who posted between one and three times and then abandoned their virtual real estate. I suppose that taken-but-unused is far preferable to taken-and-vastly-better-executed-than-I-ever-dared-dream.

[pause for some drunk guy shouting outside]

Among some of my efforts:
• My first choice was taken by someone who sounds, in three ancient posts of fewer than 100 cumulative words, like a person I desperately do not want to be.
• A German word produced a blog with a single entry in Japanese.
• My Italian last name produced a Brazilian blog with an English title - but at least it seems to be frequently updated. And anyway, as a repeat victim of Googling, I'm doing my best to stay off that particular radar this time.

This all helps explain why there is little that impresses me more than an original and clever handle.


Anonymous said...

Ai, ai, ai, ai -- that's _Brazilian_ not Italian, she's a computer techie, her favorite books are all related to films and she's _gorgeous_! What's not to _love_???? Oh, wait, maybe you're distant cousins. Which means, she _could_ be at the wedding...

joeadultman said...

Haha, oops. Thanks for the clarification, and for calling me out on not even glancing at the text before assigning it a language. Now who knows what else I'm making up...? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,
glad you've found a better place. See you soon.