October 23, 2007

Days 1 and 2 of the editing class have been mixed. The instructor is a decent enough guy, and knows what he's talking about, but...not all have been blessed with the gift of teach.

He's been doing the equivalent of teaching someone the finer points of grammar without teaching them how to write the alphabet. Fortunately, there are 7 other people who do not share my bashfulness (let my biographers call this fierce independence) and get all my basic questions answered. One is from Spain, one from Israel, and one a former producer of reality TV who "got tired of lying to people, telling them they wouldn't look ridiculous on television."

Quibbles aside, I get plenty of hands-on practice! I'm worried that, while I'll have no problem picking up the technical skills involved, I may lack the specific types of creativity required for this particular art. I figure I'll give myself more than two days to figure that out.

One last note, and this is what really inspired me to write for you fine people this evening:
There was a guy on the subway who was a reading a comic book tucked into...a different comic book. I believe Superman was the verboten material, The Incredible Hulk the facade.

October 11, 2007

You are now enrolled in:
Editing Four-Week Intensive

October 1, 2007


This Friday I should be celebrating having finally paid off the smaller of my two credit card balances, which was about 1/5 of my debt (1/15 if you count student loan (1/17 if you count debt to family (1/untold millions if you count debt that you normally wouldn't, like cost of clothes and diapers and food I incurred while growing, especially if adjusted for inflation)))

I haven't yet decided if I'll be celebrating by charging 3500 dollars to that just-cleared card to take a 4-week film editing intensive course at NYU, which would be thrilling in every sense except financially, in which sense it is just plain horrifying (runners up in my thesaurus hunt were "appalling" and "terrifying" - to me, horrifying has that throaty, yet wordless, sense of impending doom that seems to fit just right)

Leave a comment with your thoughts on the matter. [Yes, I do realize four days' notice for a blog that's updated every four weeks, if that, is short notice.]